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Our brasserie La Ripaille - La Ripaille Toulouse Hotel

Grand Hotel d'Orléans Grand Hotel d'Orléans
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La Ripaille

La Ripaille, Toulouse train station's brasserie

Come discover or re-discover La Ripaille, brasserie which was open by our grand-father in July 10th 1970. At that time, open 24/7, it was used as the HQ of Toulouse youth ! Today, after a closing period of time,

La ripaille welcomes you from Monday to Friday midday with a simple, gourmet and generous cuisine. And still 7 on 7, midday and evening, on reservation for your business or groups meals.


Daily menu

starter + main course + dessert 21€

starter + main course or main course + dessert 18€

main course 16€



Our menu is made from fresh and local products, but especially well cooked.

Everything is HOME MADE!



  • Gazpacho tomato, cucumber, watermelon  6€
  • Beef carpaccio pesto, parmesan, arugula 9€
  • Focaccia burrata, raw ham, vegetable pickles 9€
  • Caesar salad chicken, bacon, anchovies, egg, parmesan 9€


  • Entrecôte, homemade fries 24€
  • Toulouse sausage, homemade mashed potatoes €16
  • Sautéed wild shrimp, fresh tagliatelle & homemade bisque 22€
  • Canaille dish €19
  • Vegetarian suggestion of the moment 16€


  • Lebanese flan orange blossom and crushed pistachios 6€
  • Raspberry crème brûlée 7€
  • Apricot tartlet breton shortbread, diplomatic cream, roasted apricots 8€
  • Cheese plate from Farigola cheese shop 8€

Menu subject to availability and change.

Online booking